Let’s Cook “Ban” Today!

@Cheng-Nan area, Taipei, Taiwan



  • Through interviews and practice, this project investigates the different ways that Hakka elderly in the Cheng-Nan area make "Ban." While inviting them to make Hakka rice meals around the table together, I collected “Ban” related memories of the Hakka community. 

  • At the same time I trace the various paths they took to migrate into the Cheng-Nan area, as well as the social relationships that were bonded within these communities. I have utilized personal perspective as a younger generation Hakka to observe and record the diets hidden in daily life. 

  • I present these dietary habits as recipes with eastern painting techniques and media. Later I used an artistic way of interaction by sharing ingredient packages to spread the taste of Hakka. In this way, more people can conveniently enjoy making Hakka snacks for themselves at home!


Sylvia C. Y. YANG presents the project “Let’s Cook ‘Ban’ Today!“

“Let’s Cook ‘Ban’ Today!“ Video, 3mins 57secs, 2021