Today’s DongJu: Homemade Noodles

@DongJu Island, Matzu






Homemade Noodles Recipes from DongJu Island

During art residency in DongJu Island, I spent almost every meal with the local cook, Mr. Tsao (曹爸). If i need to choose one daily dish to represent the island, it must be the homemade noodles: 棍麵. You need to start with making noodles from flour, and every ingredient goes with the soup is seasonal and specific to the environment, like the seafood Mr. Tsao captured that day and vegetables from his garden. Meat like pork or beef is rare on this tiny island. If you want to add some meaty flavor into noodle soup, sometimes DongJu local will pour in the military canned pork/beef, which you can only get from the military supplies store.

Different local family has different necessary ingredients for this soup noodle dish. I transformed the daily dish into an art event. I invited residents to make the dish together and then interviewed them while dining together, everyone has different memory related 棍麵 that reflected to their different life period.